Expressing a Solution to a Problem

নবম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক ২০২৪) - ইংরেজি - English - | NCTB BOOK

5.1.1 Look at the illustration below and discuss, in pairs, what it appears to you. Then, share your thoughts with the class. 

নিচের ছবিটি দেখো এবং ছবিটি দেখে তোমার কী মনে হয় তা জোড়ায় আলোচনা করো। তারপর, তোমার ভাবনাগুলো শ্রেণিতে শেয়ার করো।



5.1.2 Now, read Rifa's thoughts on 'A Day of Challenges' and discuss the following questions in pairs/groups. Later, share your responses with the class.


'A Day of Challenges' বিষয়ে রিফার ভাবনাগুলো পড়ো এবং জোড়ায় বা দলে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো আলোচনা করো। পরে তোমার উত্তরগুলো শ্রেণিতে শেয়ার করো।

Today is my exam day, and it feels like one of the toughest days of my life. I had high hopes for this exam, but unfortunately, I couldn't finish the entire syllabus due to my health problems. The thing is, my mother has been suffering from a high fever for a couple of days. So, I couldn't bring a tiffin and bought snacks from the roadside shop. Probably that caused a digestion problem, and I have been in severe pain for the last two days. It's been hard to concentrate on my studies.

On the exam day, I started to go to the school in scorching heatwave. It was burning outside, and I was desperately looking for a rickshaw. Unfortunately, none were in sight, and with no shade nearby to wait, I began to walk, thinking about the consequences of not planting trees and preserving the greenery that protects our lives.

By the time I reached school, the exam had already started. I was so stressed that I couldn't answer all the questions. Feeling unsatisfied, I completed the exam and left the hall. While leaving, I met my friend, and to my surprise, I noticed she intentionally avoided me. I remembered she had sought my help previously, but I couldn't assist her due to my health. Her avoidance added to my sadness, reinforcing the belief that "Life is not easy and comes with many problems that demand attention."



1. Why does Rifa believe 'Life is not easy'? 

2. What are the problems do you notice in her life? 

3. Do you face problems like Rifa? If so, what are they? 

4. How do these problems affect you, your family, and your friends? 

5. How do you solve these problems?


5.2.1 Let's find out our problems and solve them! To do that, first form groups of 4-6. In groups, discuss and write on a piece of paper 2-3 of your problems that need to be solved immediately. Then, drop it in the selected box. Later, pick one piece of paper from the box and discuss the possible solutions to the problems in groups, and suggest some solutions. Finally, share the solutions with the class. 

চলো আমাদের সমস্যাগুলো খুঁজে বের করি এবং সমাধান করি! এটি করার জন্য ৪-৬ জনের একটি করে দল গঠন করো। প্রতি দল এক টুকরো কাগজের উপরে ২-৩টি করে এমন কিছু সমস্যা লেখো যেগুলো জরুরীভিত্তিতে সমাধান করা প্রয়োজন। সব দল নির্ধারিত বক্সে তা ফেলো। একটি করে কাগজের টুকরো তুলো এবং দলে সম্ভাব্য সমাধানগুলো আলোচনা করো। সমাধানের জন্য কিছু পরামর্শ দাও। সবশেষে সমাধানগুলো শ্রেণিতে শেয়ার করো।




5.2.2 Now, reflect on the steps you have followed in doing Activity 5.2.1 and tick the steps you have followed from the given list to solve the problems.


Activity 5.2.1 করার জন্য যে ধাপগুলো অনুসরণ করা হয়েছে তা পর্যালোচনা করো এবং নিচে দেওয়া তালিকায় সমস্যা সমাধানের জন্য তুমি যে সকল ধাপ অনুসরণ করেছো সেগুলোতে টিক চিহ্ন দাও।

The stepsYesNo
Identify the problem  
Find out the reasons causing the problem  
Identify the necessity to solve this problem  
Find out some possible solutions first  
Then, identify the effective solutions to the particular problems  
Consider that the suggested solutions are realistic and implementable  
Think about the duration of time it will take to solve the problem  
Consider, how it would look like after the solution has been implemented  


All the 'Yes's of the above list tell you that you are a good problem solver. On the other hand, all the 'No's tell you that you need to work on this problem-solving skill.

Now, let's be a better problem solvers!

To be a better problem solver, you have to consider many things and follow some steps. And if you want to write a problem-solution text, again you need to follow some steps. The following note on "The techniques to write a problem-solution text' will help you to be a better problem solver and a problem-solution text writer.


5.3.1 Read the following note in the box on 'The writing techniques for problem-solution text and share your understanding in pairs/ groups. Later, share it with the whole class. 

নিচের বক্সে দেওয়া 'The writing techniques for problem-solution' শীর্ষক text-টি পড়ো এবং জোড়ায় বা দলে তুমি কী বুঝেছো তা শেয়ার করো। পরে শ্রেণিতেও তা শেয়ার করো।



The writing techniques for problem-solution text

Problem-solution text is a popular form of writing. Here, writers first describe or discuss a problem, convince the reader to care about it and finally, suggest solutions. A good problem-solution text suggests one or some well-explained solution(s) to solve the problem. In this type of writing, the focus is equally on both the problem and the solution.

Now, look at the following structure that will help you to write a well-constructed problem-solution text.

The structure of a problem-solution text:


a. Introduction

- Paraphrase the given problem

- Write one key cause and related solution


b. Main body Paragraph 1- Cause (you can write different causes using different paragraphs)


- Topic sentence- state the causes

- Explain the causes of the problem

- Give an example


c. Main body paragraph 2-Solution (Again, you can write different solutions using different paragraphs)


- Topic sentence- state the solutions

- Explain the solutions in relation to the problem

- Give an example


d. Conclusion 

- Summarise the key points


For better understanding let's write a problem-solution essay following this 4 steps structure

Suppose, our question is 'Students are losing interest in attending school.'- what do you think the causes are? What solutions can you suggest?

Before writing the essay, let's follow these three steps to plan your essay:


a) Analyse the question: This is an important step in the planning the writing. Here, we need to read the question carefully and identify the topic words, other keywords and finally the instruction words in the question to be focused on what the question asks us to write.

The topic words are what the question is about. We will find it in the statement part of the question. In this question, Students are losing interest in attending school-what do you think the causes are? What solutions can you suggest? the topic words are 'losing interest' because the question is about this topic. Then, the other keywords in the question are students andattending school and we must write about them in the essay. Next, if we analyse the instruction words we will find out that we have to write the causes and solutions of the problem, that is, 'why students are losing interest in attending school'. So, analysing all these three things will help our essay to be relevant and linked to the question.


b) Generate ideas: Now, we have to generate some ideas to write our essay. One way we can do this is by simply asking ourselves the causes of the problem that instantly comes to mind. And write down all the possible solutions to the causes. For example, if we think about the causes and the solutions to the problem, 'Why students are losing interest in attending school' they may be -


Causes of losing interest


Lowest teacher- student ratioIncreasing student's participation in the classroom activities by using pair/group works
Long hour classesArranging co-curricular activities like games, drawing. recitation etc.
Fear of failureMotivating students to accept failure in a positive way


We're almost ready to start writing our problem-solution essay but first, we have one more task to do and that is-


c) Identify vocabulary: Now, let's quickly jot down some vocabulary that. comes to our mind as we have already found the causes, and their solutions we will write about. This strategy will save us from having to stop and think of the appropriate language while we write. For example:


For this particular problem-solving essay some vocabularies are:


- Lack of motivation

- Unsuccessful

- Attractive activities

- Participation

- Attention


Now, it is time to write the first paragraph, which is the Introduction' of the essay!

The introduction:

First, let's paraphrase the question within 2-3 sentences and then, state one key cause and related solution. The first paragraph may look as follows:


“One of the problems facing our school is that students are losing interest in attending school. The main reason for this is the lowest teacher-student ratio. In a class, on average, there are 60-80 students. So, it's not possible for a teacher to give attention and listen to all of their problems in the class and a possible solution is to engage students in the classroom activities by using pair/ group works. ”

Now, it's time to write the 'Main body paragraph 1- Cause'. Don't worry, it will be a very easy task for you as you have already identified the causes. So, let's start writing!


First, you have to start with a topic sentence. The topic sentence summarises the main idea of the paragraph. It acts like a signpost for what is to come next, that is, what the paragraph will be about. We will start with the cause of the problem first.


Topic sentence- One of the main causes of losing interest in attending school is the lowest teacher-student ratio.

Now, we must write an explanation sentence that develops the idea.

The explanation sentence may be 'Bangladesh is a populous country and we get a reflection of it in our classroom. In a classroom, there are 60-80 students on average. For a teacher, it is almost impossible to listen to everyone's problems. Besides, it is known that every student is unique, and so are their problems. As a result, students become frustrated and do not get the motivation to attend school regularly.

Finally, let's add an example to support our cause. An example may be-



'We have a large class of 70. Every day, I come to school earlier to sit on the front bench because, from the back, I cannot listen to my teachers clearly. When I sit in the back, sometimes I request teachers to be a little louder and sometimes my teacher comes close to me to help me with understanding. But, we are 70 and one teacher cannot help everyone with their diverse problems. It's a huge problem that needs to be solved.


So, we have completed writing all the three parts of our first main body paragraph. Now, let's have a look at the finished paragraph!


One of the problems facing our school is that students are losing interest in attending school. The main reason for this is the lowest teacher-student ratio. In a class, on average, there are 60-80 students. So, it's not possible for a teacher to give attention and listen to all of their problems in the class and a possible solution is to engage students in the classroom activities by using pair/group works. Bangladesh is a populous country and we get a reflection of it in our classroom. In a classroom, there are 60-80 students on average. For a teacher, it is almost impossible to listen to everyone's problems. Besides, it is known that every student is unique, and so are their problems. As a result, students become frustrated and do not get the motivation to attend school regularly. We have a large class of 70. Every day, I come to school earlier to sit on the front bench because, from the back, I cannot listen to my teachers clearly. When I sit in the back, sometimes I request teachers to be a little louder and sometimes my teacher comes close to me to help me with understanding. But, we are 70 and one teacher cannot help everyone with their diverse problems. It's a huge problem that needs to be solved.


Now, it's your turn to write the main body paragraph 2- solution following the same process. First, write the topic sentence to summarise the main idea of the paragraph.




We are at the end of our problem-solution essay. It's time to conclude our essay with a conclusion. The conclusion is the summary of the main points in our essay. We can never introduce any new ideas here.


So, start writing the conclusion!

You may start with a phrase like 'in conclusion' or 'to conclude' or in your own way. Then, summarise the main ideas into one sentence.

Your answer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

That's it. We have completed our essay.

Now, put together all four paragraphs and share the essay with the class.


5.3.2 Now, read the following text and do the matching activity to check our understanding of the text.


নিচের text-টি পড়ো এবং তুমি কী বুঝেছো তা যাচাই করার জন্য matching activity-টি সম্পন্ন করো।


Conversation Confidence: Unlocking the Power of effective communication



In today's world, strong communication skills have become more critical than ever. Conversations are the building blocks of relationships, whether personal or professional and being confident in our ability to engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas and thoughts has a profound impact on our lives. Everywhere there is the conversation: at work, school, the supermarket, with family, at home, and even on the playground. Conversation confidence is the art of expressing oneself clearly, listening attentively, and engaging in productive exchanges. Conversations are such a part of daily life that people frequently overlook how challenging and stressful talks can be if they are taking place in a language other than their own. While conversation confidence is a valuable skill, it does not go without challenges.


Many individuals struggle with various barriers that hinder their ability to engage in meaningful communication in any language. Many people experience fear and anxiety when speaking in public or participating in group conversations. The fear of being judged or criticised can significantly hinder conversation confidence. Individuals with social anxiety may feel intense discomfort in social settings, leading to difficulties initiating or participating in conversations. It can delimit their ability to express themselves and connect with others. Besides, people often bring preconceived notions, biases, or judgments into conversations that can hinder their ability to listen objectively and empathetically. It can create misunderstandings and limit effective communication.

Non-verbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, play a crucial role in communication. However, individuals with conversation confidence issues may struggle with maintaining eye contact, using appropriate gestures, or conveying their message non-verbally. Conversation confidence can be hindered when individuals fail to consider or understand differing viewpoints. This lack of empathy can lead to ineffective communication, misunderstandings, and strained relationships. Again, during a conversation, some individuals may dominate conversations and disregard others' points of view. It can create an imbalanced conversational dynamic and hinder effective communication.

Limited vocabulary hinders new language learners from expressing themselves effectively. For instance, English language learners often struggle with grammar rules and pronunciation difficulties. Secondly, a lack of fluency can make new language learners hesitant and apprehensive during conversations. Thirdly, fear of making mistakes can hinder conversation confidence as learners may feel embarrassed or anxious about being misunderstood.

Sometimes new language learners struggle to understand native speakers due to differences in accent, speed, or colloquial expressions. Furthermore, cultural differences can create barriers in verbal communication, leading to confusion and decreased conversation confidence. Also, limited exposure to authentic conversations can hinder new language learners from developing natural conversation skills.

While these problems are natural to feel nervous, students need to find ways to be more confident in their ability to participate in a conversation. They can choose from various solutions to boost their conversation confidence.

Learning about current, relevant news can be one solution for students to develop more conversational confidence. The internet makes it very easy to find out what everyone in the community is talking about; with this knowledge, students can be prepared for conversations because they know what people are generally talking about and can even look up the vocabulary words they need. Also, students can start this preparation by following the academy's social media pages or listening to locally produced news. Learners should also focus on vocabulary building by regularly learning and practising new words. Different learning applications and extensive reading can significantly increase vocabulary and boost confidence. The correct pronunciation is also crucial for effective communication. New language learners should actively practise speaking aloud and follow pronunciation guides to improve their pronunciation skills. In addition, regular pronunciation practice develops confidence in speaking the language more accurately.


Role-playing activities provide a safe and structured environment for English language learners to practise conversational skills. By imitating real-life scenarios and exchanging dialogues with peers, learners can improve their fluency, confidence, and ability to respond spontaneously. Likewise, listening comprehension plays a vital role in conversation confidence. The new language learner should expose themselves to authentic audio materials, such as podcasts, music, and movies, to develop their understanding of the language in different contexts. Engaging oneself in the target language and culture accelerates conversation confidence. New language learners should seek opportunities to travel, participate in cultural events or language exchange programs to practise conversational skills in real-life situations. Exposure to native speakers and cultural contexts enhances understanding and confidence. Also, it is crucial to embrace errors as part of the learning process and view them as opportunities for improvement. By adopting a positive mindset and learning from mistakes, learners can overcome their fear and become more comfortable engaging in conversations.


Engaging in confidence-building activities can help new language learners overcome their conversational anxieties. Joining language clubs, participating in language contests, or delivering short presentations in the target language (e.g., in English) can gradually boost confidence. As well as celebrating small achievements and acknowledging progress is essential for sustained motivation. They should cultivate patience and persistence, understanding that progress may come gradually. Moreover, learners should nurture a positive mindset, replacing self-doubt with affirmations and visualising successful conversations. Building a strong belief in one's abilities enhances confidence and encourages a more relaxed and fluent communication style.

In conclusion, students have many options to solve the problem of avoiding conversations and subsequently develop conversation confidence. Choosing to work through these solutions will help students improve their English skills and help them build stronger relationships with others. Since conversations are part of everyday life and cannot be entirely avoided, it is better to conquer fear through preparation than to limit self- expression. Whether learners are talking to a supervisor, a classmate, a roommate, and a friend or family, they will feel empowered to be better conversational partners. By addressing the issues they have and implementing practical solutions, educators and students can work together to foster a conducive environment for building conversation and confidence.


The matching activity

Read the following concept/term in the first column and their descriptions/ elaborations in the column next to it. Then, match the concepts/ term with their descriptions/ elaborations. Later share your answers with the class. Now, read the text given in Activity 5.3.2 again and ask and answer the following questions in pairs/groups. Later, share your responses with the class.


Activity 5.3.2-এ দেওয়া text-টি আবার পড়ো এবং নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো দলে বা জোড়ায় আলোচনা করো। পরবর্তীতে তোমার উত্তরগুলো শ্রেণিতে শেয়ার করো।



a. Do you think the writer has convinced the reader to care about the problem? If yes, explain your answer. 

b. Has the writer identified the causes of the problem in the text? If yes, what are they? 

c. What are the solutions suggested in the text to solve the problem? 

d. Which solution do you think is most feasible? Why do you think so? 

e. Did the writer use any conclusion to tell you all the key points of the text? Explain your response with an example. Read the text given in Activity 5.3.2 again and identify different steps of the structure of this problem-solving text in pairs/groups. Then, list your responses in the following grid. Later, share your responses with the whole class. One is done for you. 

Activity 5.3.2 এ দেওয়া text-টি আবার পড়ো এবং জোড়ায় বা দলে problem-solving text গঠনের বিভিন্ন ধাপগুলো চিহ্নিত করো। তারপর নিচের সারণিতে তোমার উত্তরগুলো লেখো। পরে শ্রেণিতে শেয়ার করো। একটি উত্তর তোমাদের জন্য করে দেওয়া হলো।



5.4.1 Read the given parts of a problem solution essay and write the blank parts of the essay to make it a complete essay. In writing, follow the structure of a problem solution essay in the note given in Activity 5.3.1. 

একটি problem solution essay-এর অংশগুলো পড়ো এবং খালি অংশগুলো পূরণ করে রচনাটিকে সম্পূর্ণ করো। Activity 5.3.1 এ দেওয়া সমস্যা সমাধান সংক্রান্ত রচনার গঠন-কাঠামো অনুসরণ করো।




The internet has brought the world into our grip, but it has also created new problems for teenagers. What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what solutions can you suggest?

The essay


Step 1: Introduction

Paraphrase the given problem: The enormous use of the internet over the last decade has led to revolutionary changes to the way we share information. Though the internet contributes a lot to being connected it has also created problems especially for the teenagers that did not exist before.


Now, it's your turn to write one key cause and related solution.

Your answer:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


Step 2: Main body paragraph 1 Cause (you can use different paragraphs for different causes)

Topic sentence (state the cause): One of the causes of the internet is its easy accessibility to all the sites even though some are not suitable for them.

Now, it's your turn to explain the cause and give an example of it.

Your answer:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Step 3: Main body paragraph 2- Solution (Again, you can write different solutions using different paragraphs) 

Topic sentence (state the solutions): It is high time the government ensured that adequate legislation and controls are in place to prevent young people from accessing dangerous sites, such as requiring more than simply confirming that s/he is an adult to view a site.

Now, it's your turn to explain the solution and give an example of it.

Your answer:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Finally, write the conclusion of the essay (the main points in the essay).

Your answer:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


It is time to put together all four paragraphs and complete your writing. Later, share the essay with the class.


5.4.2 Now, you are equipped with the technique to solve a problem in a better way and to write a problem-solving essay following the four- step structure.

So, now solve one of the problems you are facing in your school and that is, to improve your school's recycling system by writing a problem-solving essay and present it to the concerned authority. Follow the given steps to write your essay in a more structured way.


এখন কোনো সমস্যা ভালোভাবে সমাধান করার কৌশলগুলো সম্পর্কে তুমি জানো এবং চারটি ধাপ অনুসরণ করে কিভাবে সমস্যা সমাধান সংক্রান্ত রচনা লিখতে হয় তাও জানো। সুতরাং বিদ্যালয়ে তুমি যে সকল সমস্যার মুখোমুখি হও এমন একটি সমস্যা, যেমন তোমার 'বিদ্যালয়ের recycling system উন্নতকরণ' সংক্রান্ত একটি রচনা লেখো এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্তৃপক্ষের সামনে তা উপস্থাপন করো। কাঠামো ঠিক রেখে লেখার জন্য নিচের ধাপগুলো অনুসরণ করো।

  • First, do a survey to get an idea of your school's existing recycling system and frame your question. In framing the question, take the help of your peers/ teacher/ parents etc. if necessary.

প্রথমে তোমার বিদ্যালয়ের বর্তমান রিসাইক্লিং পদ্ধতি সম্পর্কে ধারণা লাভের জন্য একটি জরিপ করো এবং প্রশ্ন তৈরি করো। প্রশ্ন তৈরির জন্য তোমার সহপাঠী, শিক্ষক অথবা বাবা-মার সাহায্য নাও।

  • Then, make a plan to write your essay. Don't forget to follow the three steps (analyse the problem, generate ideas and identify the related vocabulary) in the planning process.

রচনাটি লেখার জন্য একটি পরিকল্পনা করো। পরিকল্পনাটি বাস্তবায়নের জন্য (সমস্যটি বিশ্লেষণ করা, সমস্যাটি সম্পর্কে ধারণা তৈরি করা এবং তার সাথে সম্পর্কিত শব্দমালা) বর্ণিত ধাপ তিনটি অনুসরণ করতে ভুলো না।


  • Now, write the first step 'Introduction' by paraphrasing the problem. Add one key cause and related solution to complete your introduction.

সমস্যাটিকে paraphrase করে রচনাটির প্রথম ধাপে ভূমিকাটি (Introduction) লেখো। একটি মূল কারণ অন্তর্ভুক্ত করে এবং তার সমাধান দিয়ে ভূমিকা সম্পূর্ণ করো।

  • To write every Main body paragraph' cause, first state the cause. Then, explain the cause and give an example to make your point well explained.

'Main body paragraph' লেখার জন্য মূল কারণ বর্ণনা করো। তারপর কারণটি ব্যাখ্যা করো। তোমার পয়েন্টগুলো উদাহরণসহ বর্ণনা করো।

  • Again, to write a body paragraph- solution, follow the same process that is to state the solution first. Then, explain the solution and give an example to make your suggestions well-defined.

পুনরায় 'body paragraph' লেখার জন্য মূল অংশে সমস্যার সমাধান এবং যে পদ্ধতি অনুসরণ করে সমস্যার সমাধান করা যাবে তা বর্ণনা করো। তারপর উদাহরণ দিয়ে সমাধানটি ব্যাখ্যা করো এবং তোমার সুনির্দিষ্ট পরামর্শ দাও।

  • Finally, conclude your essay by summarising all the key points.

সবশেষে, সব মূল বিষয়বস্তুকে একসাথে করে রচনাটি শেষ করো।

  • At last, you are ready to present your essay in the class first. Then, choose the most suitable essay from the class and submit it to the concerned authority asking for immediate steps to make your school environment healthy and safe.

অবশেষে, তোমার রচনাটি শ্রেণিতে উপস্থাপনের জন্য তুমি প্রস্তুত। বিদ্যালয়ের নিরাপদ ও স্বাস্থ্যকর পরিবেশ নিশ্চিত করতে তোমাদের লেখা সবচেয়ে ভালো রচনাটি নির্বাচন করো এবং তাৎক্ষনিক পদক্ষেপ নেওয়ার জন্য সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্তৃপক্ষের নিকট জমা দাও।


New Words: concentrate, profound, delimit, empathetically, crucial, dominate, hesitant, apprehensive, colloquial, boost strained.

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